AnimDesk Animation Studios is a young animation studio that has the technical, artistic and production capabilities to create traditional animated feature films, commercials, goods and other related materials. The company’s goal is to attract world class talented animators and artists who enjoys the freedom to develop hand drawn-full animated feature films. With adoring, exciting characters and breathtaking stories, AnimDesk aim to inspire audience around the world.
Company Overview
Company Staff
Shany Golan
Lead Animator & Founder of AnimDesk Animation Studios. Shany Golan has a 13 years experience in animation and is focusing mainly on traditional animation. More than an animator, Shany Golan has a rich knowledge in Visual Effects, Matte Painting, 3D Animation, Web Design, Web Development and Programming.Technology
AnimDesk uses professional traditional animation software: "TVPaint Animation" and "RETAS! Pro HD". The software enables the studio to create professional traditional animated features faster than ever.
From Storyboard, rough sketches, clean-up work, key-frames and “in-between” to the final compositing. Using built-in tools: X-Sheet, Project manager, camera movements, plug-ins creates a perfect workflow.
TVPaint Animation
Developed in France, TVPaint Animation is the leading paperless drawing and animation tool, able to imitate traditional technique: Pen Brush, Gouache, Watercolor, Pencil, Felt-tip and Airbrush.
RETAS (Revolutionary Engineering Total Animation System) is a traditional animation software bundle developed and sold by Celsys. RETAS handles the entire animation production from digitally drawing or tracing to exporting in Flash and QuickTime, and is considered to be a leader in Japan's anime industry.
The Hardware chosen for production is the “Cintiq 21UX” Interactive pen display by Wacom. Designing characters, painting, drawing backgrounds, creating storyboards and of course animating. With the Cinqiq, Animators at AnimDesk produce superior work of art and animation.